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Tag Archives: General

Hipstamatic Lunar New Year!

My wife bought me an iPhone 3GS to replace my old dying Sony Ericsson phone a few weeks ago.  It has been quite good in helping me to organize some areas of my personal and business life.  I am also enjoying a particular paid photography application called Hipstamatic that I have been using to take...

Moved to a new web hosting provider

Just a short note to say that my website/blog and emails have successfully moved over to a new web hosting provider.  I experienced quite a number of instability/downtime problems with my old web hosting provider and hopefully with this move there will be no more problems!  The move should be transparent to everyone.  Sorry for...

Starting 2010 Down

Blessed New Year!  I have had quite a rocky start to this new year. Firstly, my wife and I lost someone very dear to us on the last day of 2009.  It was not quite the way I would have envisioned ending 2009 and starting 2010.  It is strange but somehow through the grief, I...