It’s been slow in coming but I’d like to wish all readers of my blog a Blessed New Year!
I spent a couple of hours this morning visiting the National History Museum (NHM) with my wife and a friend. The NHM is having an Open House (i.e. Admission was FREEEEE) today and over the weekend so we took the opportunity to visit. The last time I was at the museum was probably when I did an event shoot there on New Year’s Eve in 2006. Today, we wanted to catch the Pompeii exhibit before it ended its run as well as check out the rest of the exhibits. The Pompeii exhibit is highly recommended so do catch it before it ends. I think this weekend is the last 2 days.
Here are a couple of photos that I took using my iPhone. All the images were edited in the phone and I just used Photoshop to resize them for the web. I had my film Leica with me as well, but it will be some time before I get the rolls of film processed.
I will leave you with the following quote from one of my favorite photographers, Elliot Erwitt. One of the books I own of his is called “Museum Watching” which I enjoy browsing through from time to time. “I like things that have to do with what is real, elegant, well presented and without excessive style. In other words, just fine observation.” ~ Elliot Erwitt