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Category Archives: Documentary

Christian’s 5th Birthday Party

Christian celebrated his 5th birthday at the kid-friendly Eat Play Love cafe about a week ago. He had a ‘Power Rangers Dino Charge’ party theme (I had to google to figure out why the Ranger’s helmets featured jagged teeth)! The balloon lady got lots of requests for guns from the boys while the girls mostly requested for cartoon...

Darius’ 8th Birthday Party

The first event I photographed in 2017 was Darius’ 8th birthday party. About 2 years ago, I covered his sister, Desiree’s birthday (see highlights HERE). Like Desiree, Darius’ had a ‘party with a cause’. Darius chose to support VIVA Foundation for Children with Cancer, a Singapore-based charity which focuses on saving the lives of children with cancer by improving research,...

Behind the Scenes: The Perm short film

In September last year, I spent a day doing the Behind the Scenes (BTS) photography for a short film titled The Perm which was directed by Wee Li Lin. Tay Cheng San was the Director of Photography, Chua Seng Yew and Sabrina Poon were the Assistant Directors, Vanessa Sim was the Production Manager, Hanning Yap and Apple Ong were the Art Directors and Mike Wong...