Documentary PhotographyPERFECT LIGHTCompelling Authentic Timeless

Walkabout with the Fuji X100

This is a short follow-up to the Silent Hong Kong (Typhoon Nesat) – Fuji X100 post I did earlier this month. I met my friend Vincent for coffee yesterday. It was Vincent who generously loaned me his Fuji X100 to try out during my Hong Kong trip. After some excellent coffee, I went on a walkabout to test...

Rambo Part II

Two-months ago, I featured some photos of my grandmother’s new miniature Schnauzer (then puppy) named Rambo on this blog. Since then, he has been groomed and has grown quite a bit. The grooming has interestingly enough highlighted his rather unusual beard coloring. Initially, my grandmother kept on insisting that the groomers had ‘colored’ little Rambo’s...